Taking my life into my own hands!

So after a few weeks of soul searching I’ve come to realize that

A. I don’t want to a job where I have to sit at a desk for 8 hours! It doesn’t make me happy 😦

B. Life is too short to do something that makes you unhappy.

C. I am going to pursue what will make me happy! Culinary!

So I’ve done my research and came up with a few plans on achieving my goal! One thing is for sure, I will attend a culinary program within the year! I am really excited!

When asked about my decision I’m usually met with “Wow! That has nothing to do with your degree (Finance).” And to them I reply, “Yes I know! But culinary is what I am passionate about and what will make me happy. And I refuse to live one more day not doing what I love.” And that’s what I encourage everyone to do! My first step is to get a job working in a fantastic restaurant, learning everything there is to learn about the business. What’s yours?

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