What every freshman should know!

I’ve been reminiscing on my college years lately and I started jotting down a few things that was told to me that really helped me out! So I decided to give some insight to the incoming freshman!

1. Sit in the front of the class.This helps you stay focused. Think about it. How likely are you to text or fall asleep during class if you’re in the front?

2. Introduce yourself to your teacher and TA’s at the end of the first class. This way they know who you are. Teachers have hundreds of students each semester, how many do you think take the time out to introduce themselves? Most likely none. So stand out from the rest. Don’t be just another face in the crowd.

3. Go to as many office hours as you can. Even if you think you have the information down packed, go to office hours and have the TA or Professor check your work. This will help build your relationship with the people ultimately in charge of your future! (You don’t pass you don’t graduate!) And this will show them that you’re actually trying to learn the information and not just going through the class. Let’s say you are a point or two away from the next letter grade, professors are more likely to help you out if they saw that you were really trying all semester rather than waiting until the last week like most students tend to do!

4. Participate in class. Participating in class just reinforces what you’ve learned. It shows the teacher that you are actually grasping the material. And it leaves a lasting impression! I needed a letter of recommendation for a grad school application and contacted my economics professor from freshman year. And to my surprise he actually remembered me! I was happy to see that I made a lasting impression! Here is a letter from one of my teacher’s freshman year:    Letter of Recommendation

5. Join professional organizations. Believe it or not the way to finding a good job is all about who you know not what you know. Joining a professional organization will only benefit you. They expose you to professionals in your field a study and are a gateway to networking!

6.Start looking for internships your freshman year. The sooner you land a great internship the better! An internship puts you a step above the rest. Internships are a great way to gain real world experience (which most people want you to have coming out of college—crazy, I know). Internships are a great way to showcase your skills and network with those in the career that you want. And if you do a good job you have a good chance at getting a job offer after graduation!

Remember college is a time to make connections. So make sure you take advantage of all of them!

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